Monday, April 16, 2007

Cherry Valance

Before I enter the narrative, Ponyboy paints the conflict between the greasers and the Socs as irreconcilable. The introduction of me, however, suggests that individual friendships can chip away at group hatreds. I get along perfectly well with some of the greasers. I like Ponyboy and Johnny because they treat me politely. Dally’s rude antics do not amuse me. My disenchantment with Dally’s behavior suggests that I talk to Ponyboy and Johnny not because I am slumming and their greaser identity fascinates me, but rather because I like them as individuals. For a short while at least, I care more about how each boy behaves than about his West Side or East Side address.
Im not just a sweet, simple girl. I find myself sexually attracted to Dally, who is crass and unrefined but also sexy and charismatic. Despite all my attraction to the greasers, moreover, I am not completely free of group prejudice. I tell Ponyboy I probably will not say hello to him at school, acknowledging that I respect social divisions. Although I play a relatively small role in the novel, the ambiguity of my sympathies gives you something to which you can relate. I mirror your own perspective as someone close to the action who is nevertheless an outsider and who does not always fully understand other characters’ emotions and motivations.


I~Love~Sodapop! said...

Heyy Cherry!! i think you should go with Ponyboy!!!!!u 2 would be so cute!!!

sexxi said...

i think you shouldn't date ponyboy it would ruin you're friendship do u know if ponyboy is single i think he's hot well bye

KitKat & Bubblegum Curtis said...

PONY IS OUR BROTHER.. EEWW no socs should date him thnx

Dally Winston said...

'm not rude...not to rude. and you like me at the same time? so you do like me? and i thought i only liked you. when, i am dating kitkat, so to bad, man. haha

I~Love~Sodapop! said...

heyy it was my friend who tyoed that u should go out... i think u two should just stay really good friends!!!

KitKat & Bubblegum Curtis said...

Woah that Cherry girl is one crazy Soc, you can barely understand what she says with all the fancy shmancy talk. And ya, too bad you waited too long since Dally's taken. And now that I think about it Pony and you would make a good couple, considering you're so smart and all.

I~Love~Sodapop! said...

yea they r kinda alike && talk good to eachother && stuff....soo maybee they'd click =]

I~Love~Sodapop! said...

Cherry u use too big of words for a blonde to understand!!!lol but the wrds are big

Dally Winston said...

haha i no, i cant realy understand either lol

greaser*gal said...

i must say u shore use some fansey wordz there cherry but thankfully bein born a brunette i can understand those wordz just read this "blondes may have more fun but bruntettez can read"

I~Love~Sodapop! said...

heyy dont go there greser*gal!lol i just have my blonde moments occasionaly...not so much wen school goes on. but... yea cherry u use to many big words!!!lol

darrel curtis said...

hey people check out my blog

Dally Winston said...


alyssa=] said...

big words.

K9 said...

hey cherry. whats up?

Dally Winston said...

haha wut man?

Unknown said...

I wonder how does Soda looks like...

Dally Winston said...


Rosy said...

Cherry you use too many big words, & my hair's jet-black so I can't be called a blonde...if you call a blonde-haired person a blonde, you call brown-haired ppl brunettes, & you call red-haired ppl redheads, what do you call black-haired ppl? Blackheads?

p.s. This is johnny's girlfriend, rosy.

GamerX said...

i think you should go out with dally winston

Dally Winston said...

who should go out with me man?

Johnny Cade said...

Just to let you know Ponyboy cant stop talking bout u. But dont tell him i said that cause he will kill me!

Non-Believer. said...

dude, you people are weird. These people are characters in a book, they are not real. Dally & Johnny dead. Sorry to inform you or break your heart but no one will be going out with no one. These people are FAKE. So HA ! :P

Anonymous said...

uuuuhhh, why u guys acting like dallas winton and johnny cade, they happen to be my favorite characters, and since i have the most rotten luck, they both die. Why does every character i like die? whyyyy? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

~~Luvv~~ said...

they are stil alive!!!!! duhhh

~~Luvv~~ said...

they are stil alive!!!!! duhhh